Help make Night to Remember

the best one yet!

a Guest

This is a completely free night for each guest! The cost for hosting the event (including the venue, tuxes, red carpet, photos, DJ, food, and all the little details that make the night extra special) comes out to $200 per guest.

A Night To Remember is a free prom honoring students with disabilities ages 12-25. Each guest is provided, free of charge, with everything they will need for a truly memorable experience including a student host, dress or tuxedo, professional makeup and hair styling, a corsage or boutonniere, formal photos, a walk down the red carpet with cheering paparazzi, a swag bag, and live DJ with dancing, food, and fun! 

Sponsor the entire night for a guest or donate any amount to help make this event the greatest party in the history of all parties ever!

any Amount

If you'd like to donate any other amount, use the form linked below and type the dollar amount in the field at the bottom.

All money goes toward sponsoring the Night To Remember event for all guests.


Are you a part of a business interested in sponsoring NTR? Awesome!
Click the link below and download the Sponsorship form.